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发布时间:2022-08-06 20:42:41 人气:
Professional original customization, the American university graduation certificate picture column provides high-definition material of Portland State University graduation certificate pictures, the picture format is JPG, the foreign university graduation certificate pictures we provide are taken in kind, (all can be customized privately, including: invisible watermark, Shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, ultraviolet fluorescence, warmth, copy security)
波特兰州立大学(Portland State University,简称PSU)成立于1946年,是一所公立大学,也是俄勒冈州最大的大学。学校有解放艺术和科学学院、电机工程学院、表演艺术学院、城市规划与公共事务学院、商业管理学院、社会服务研究生院、教育学院,共提供超过120种学术专业。学校被《美国新闻与世界报道》选为四级国家级大学,学术声誉全美第168。波特兰州立大学设有本科、研究生、MBA教育体系,可以颁发学士、硕士以及博士等各种学位。较好的学科是商科、电机及计算机工程、教育和环境科学。学校开设的主要学习专业有:财经类、法律、纺织与服装、工程技术、管理、环境、建筑、教育、理科学、旅游、农林类、人文艺术、社科类、生物、体育、新闻传播、信息科学、医学、语言、自然科学、法学与人文学、商业与管理、计算学与多媒体、媒体与设计、卫生与社会关怀、社会科学、运动与训练、工程与技术、科学、休闲与旅游、市场营销/公共关系。
Professional original customization, the American university graduation certificate picture column provides high-definition material of Portland State University graduation certificate pictures, the picture format is JPG, the foreign university graduation certificate pictures we provide are taken in kind, (all can be customized privately, including: invisible watermark, Shadow shading, stencil LOGO bronzing and silvering, LOGO bronzing and silvering compound overlap, text pattern embossing, laser laser, ultraviolet fluorescence, warmth, copy security)